Sunday, March 3, 2013

Tuscan Eggnog Review

So it's been awhile since I posted...I actually forgot about this blog.  Anyway I have a few new favorite eggnog brands. The past 2 years it's been Tuscan Holiday Eggnog, absolutely delicious and no yuk after taste.  A close second would be Shoprite brand eggnog.  I tried some Organic Valley Eggnog because it had sugar instead of HFCS and the ingredients were natural, no preservatives or chemicals. Unfortunately, it tasted gross.   Well until next time! Egg Nog coffee mug (Google Affiliate Ad)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

First Review: Hood Golden Eggnog

In my intro post I alluded to a brand that was my favorite but changed. Well this was it, Hood Golden Eggnog, the first time I bought this brand it was the absolutely most delicious tasting eggnog I've ever had, it had the smell, the taste, texture, and no gross after taste.  I drank about 3 qts last fall but I went out one last time around January to buy it before they were pulled off the shelf until next Fall.  Well, I opened it up and took a snift didn't smell quite right, hmmm, poured a glass and took a sip, tasted bland and it was much lighter texture and a bit more sugary barely had a hint of that eggnog taste.  I was very disappointed, but I figured maybe it was a bad batch at the end of the season.

So fast forward to this week, Eggnog finally started arriving on store shelfs, I decided to give the Hood Eggnog another shot. Unfortunately, it tastes like the carton I got at the end of the year, rather then the delicious tasting eggnog I once remembered it to be.  My guess is Hood decided to cut back on the amount of eggs they put in and ad some sugar and light cream to compensate.  It's really ashame, it really was the best I tasted before they messed with it.  I won't be buying or recommended Hood Golden Eggnog anytime soon.  

Welcome to My Eggnog Review Blog

Hi welcome to my eggnog review blog.  I absolutely love eggnog, however, I'm very very picky when it comes to it's flavor, texture, smell, and after taste.  The first clue is definetely the smell you know, it's really indescribable  except to say it's eggnoggy smelling, you can almost taste it just by smelling it.  Next, is taste and texture, is it weak tasting, texture too heavy or too light?  And finally after taste, I hate after taste.

The problem I've found is I can't find a favorite brand of eggnog and when I think I found the perfect eggnog I buy it again next year and it tastes completely different and wrong, sometimes even if one week to the next it will taste different. I can only assume that the ingredients have to be very precise and any slight deviation will throw the taste off.